So it happens to be Friday and its my dog day!! Last week I introduced you to my dog Jake.This week you are going to learn a little bit about my dog Katy. She is the oldest and darkest of the bunch. She is about nine years old, compared to Jake who is five, and is a dark chocolate color. We got her as our first family pet. She was actually a surprise to me also. I came home from school one day and there she was sitting on a chair in our living room, wet from the bath she just had. she wasn't as young as Jake was when we got her so we didn't really have much of a puppy stage with her. We got her at about six months old. Originally we thought she was a chocolate lab puppy so we bought her a really big food bowl and watering dish. But as the time past and she didn't grow too much taller we figured out that she was a terrier mix. But watching her you can really see the terrier traits she does have. one being she loves the chase. Anytime a small animal( or a large one, whatever she happens to spot) comes through our back yard she goes nuts barking, and fogs up our back door. She is definitely our watch dog. So what does she look like? Well she is small, only about thirty pounds and comes to my knee( I'm short) which puts her at about twenty inches tall. Not our smallest dog but certainly our smartest. She learns new things every day and always finds ways of getting out of trouble, like laying at your feet or sprinting to you when you have to use the stern voice on her. She may be naughty but she is so darn cute with her big brown eyes it is really hard to get mad at her. Now over the years I have grown a bit of an immunity to her charms but no one else has so I guess its for her own good. She is the only dog we paid for but I can truthfully say she was worth every penny.