So I hate I mean really hate the cold. It makes me achy and stiff but for some reason my dogs love it. Well for a little while. Jake loves the snow. He could stay in it for hours, but Katy only likes it for a little while. A few days ago I took them both outside and when I tried to bring them back in Katy decided her feet were too cold to function anymore. She just stood where she was and would pick up a different foot every few seconds. No matter how much I would call her she just stood there. So I had to push her along in the yard to get her up to the house. But when we got inside she just laid down right in front of the door because her feet were still apparently too cold to walk. So I actually had to warm her feet up with a towel! I couldn't believe it. She likes it enough to bury her face in but apparently it's not OK for her little feet to be cold. I don't understand her some days.