A poetry and photography blog for Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ode to my life

I have only one life.

And I must say its mighty fine.

Not because its always happy,

but because I get to call it mine.

I love to share with my friends,

but I get to keep this as my own.

And the best part of sharing this life

is that I am never alone.

It is a marvelous gift we have,

to say we have lived today.

It is a cycle of getting and giving,

nothing that is lost will ever stay that way.

With every life lost

a new one will be found.

And that makes living life

the best thing around.


An ode is a serious poem that has a set structure. It is written for a specific person, place, thing or occasion. Odes are pretty neat because you can write them about anything you want. Fun fact: many of Shakespeare's were made into plays.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Ok yes another link but this picture is so funny. Maybe I take humor in it because I am a naturally messy person or because my mother and grandmother insist everything be spotless all the time, either way still funny. Can you relate?


Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Ok so I was looking for a new type of poetry to use on the blog when these story caught my eye. Check it out. I kind of enjoyed them and I hope you do too.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Broken heart

She was a woman

who,they say, had no heart.

But oddly enough

She died when hers was torn apart.

Moral of this story, everyone has a heart and it hurts just like yours.