A poetry and photography blog for Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The End and Good Night

It is the end of days.

It is the end of what I began.

It is the end of how hard I tried.

It is the end of my plan.

The journey was tiring.

My feet are worn and my shoes have fallen off.

My skin is blistered on my hands

and I look back at what this has cost.

I see the smile on that beloved face.

I can hear the joy in each laugh.

So even if I could rid myself of the pain,

I would never in a million years go back.

I am tired now.

But I am home and I have finished what I began.

Except now unlike before,

1 comment:

  1. That was amazing, I loved it! It was a very nice good-bye to the blogging world. :D I really hope you'll keep posting on your blog though, I enjoy your poems! ;)
